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A warm welcome from me, of course and for any need don't hesitate to contact me. Alex brollo (disc.) 09:00, 16 gen 2017 (CET)Rispondi

Il milione


Thanks again for your interest and contributions. Just to let you see the Variants stuff, I ask your permission to add to your common.js personal page a brief script; variants links would be shown with a different format (BW, with a light dotted underline) but, mor interesting, a mouseover event would be added, somethink like a small tooltip showing the variant target.

Can I edit common.js your page? --Alex brollo (disc.) 16:18, 18 gen 2017 (CET)Rispondi

@Alex brollo Yes you can, but let me know where is this page, which I do not know (as for apps, I develop VB6.exe connected to Internet Explorer). If possible tell me also where is described the syntax of the {{§|num|texte}} model. Have a good day! -Valp (disc.) 16:52, 18 gen 2017 (CET)Rispondi
Sure. I only want that you can see the final result of that code. I'll add some doc into Index talk page of the book. --Alex brollo (disc.) 18:18, 18 gen 2017 (CET)Rispondi


{"^\\d+ .+\\n":["Eliminazione riga header che inizia con numero(regex)","","g"],
"Dig.+ by .+gle":["Eliminazione Digitized by Google (regex)","","g"],
"cbe":["cbe -> che","che","g"],
"\\ c\\ ":["c isolato per e"," e ","g"],
"qn":["inversione n in u","qu","g"],
"([^aeiouAEIOU])’ +":["Normalizzazione spazi dopo apostrofo (regex)","$1’","g"],
"(\\w)[  ]([;,:\\.?!])":["Normalizzazione spazi attorno alla punteggiatura (regex)","$1$2","g"],
"\\n:":["due punti a inizio riga (regex)",":","g"],
"1’":["scanno comune per l'","l’","g"],
"\\ cosi\\ ":["scanno comune per così"," così ","g"],
"’1":["scanno comune per 'l","’l","g"],
"\\(\\ ":["","(","g"],
"\\ \\)":["",")","g"],
"\\t":["(regex)"," ","g"],
"\\ \\ ":[""," ","g"]}

Italian rules


(transféré de Discussioni indice: Polo)

There are some Italian rules and some Wikisource conventions; and there are tools to make simpler to apply them. Wikisource use apostrophe , chr(146) into text, and there are tools to convert typewriter ' into (having care of avoid conversion of wiki markup, template and link content, and other cases: not a simple issue). A space is, or is not required after an apostrophe; a rough rule is: consonant+apostrophe+vowel = no space, example "dell'uomo, un'anima"; vowel+apostrophe+consonant = a space, example "un po' di pane".
About quotation marks, it's simpler: they mirror the text source, there's no "wikisource style". Alex brollo (disc.) 21:41, 20 gen 2017 (CET)Rispondi
@Alex brollo Where is the tool for ' into Chr(146) ?
I read in Aiuto : per le virgolette, nessuno spazio. Really «texto» and not « texto » ?

Ok, I'm starting


Now I'm ready to start review of Il Milione as you asked for, beginning from Pagina:Polo - Il milione, Pagani, Firenze 1827, I.djvu/226. I fighted a little bit with javascript getting a first result, t.i. a shortcut Ctrl+Alt+P that applies the anchor, and the link code to selection (i.e.: (3) Più innanzi (ibid.) -> {{§|3_6|(3) Più innanzi (ibid.)}} Now I feel myself comfortable :-)

I'll try to convert the script from a personal rough one into a tool for any user, but I've to test it into many pages before converting it. --Alex brollo (disc.) 22:56, 20 gen 2017 (CET)Rispondi

@Alex brolloThis wasn't difficult for me. I have it also for {{§|num_page|texte sélectionné}} along with an automatic memorisation of the n° of the page. And I just added : SHIFT+clic to do italic after (1) [ie (1) blabla] as I noticed you corrected it :-)