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Bot errors
modificaHey! Thank you for supervising the bot (and me as well). I fixed it, I totally didn't see all those inexisting pages. Thank you again, I'll be more careful in the future. BTW, the M&S is great! --Aubrey McFato 17:58, 21 ott 2010 (CEST)
- An interesting bug. From what comes it from please? I didn't find anything unusual in the source text! Can be something wrong into the djvu file/into the djvu text layer of djvu file? --Alex brollo (disc.) 18:02, 21 ott 2010 (CEST)
Match stop
modificaTHANKS Phe! --Alex brollo (disc.) 16:01, 5 gen 2011 (CET)
Highlighting lines
modificaUsing my "sysop privileges", I added into your vector.js the draft scripts to highlight lines. If you like, go into a page like this one: Pagina:La pastorizia.djvu/100, enter in edit mode, point the pointer into a verse, and call evidenziaRiga() from a js console. So far, there isn't a button or a link to call the function, but I presume that this is not so a hard trouble for you. --Alex brollo (disc.) 00:38, 27 dic 2011 (CET)
- I added to your common.js a (IMHO pretty good) small arrow-link calling for evidenziaRiga(). It is only visible when datiPagina["righe"] is defined. --Alex brollo (disc.) 14:19, 27 dic 2011 (CET)