Pensieri di varia filosofia e di bella letteratura/4434
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Greece, have adopted the Romaic by the side of their own language, and in several places have forgotten the latter: it was in this way only that the immortal Suli was Greek; and the noble Hydra itself, the destructions of which we shall perhaps have to deplore before the publication of this volume, is an Albanian settlement.... Calabria, like Sicily, continued a Grecian land, though Roman colonies were planted in the coasts: the Greek language only began to give way there in the 14th century; and it is not three hundred years since it prevailed (dominava) at Rossano, and no doubt much more extensively; for our knowledge of the fact as to that little town is merely accidental: indeed even at this day there is remaining in the district of Locri a population that speaks Greek (nota 163. For the assurance of this fact, which is stated in several books of travels in a questionable manner, I am indebted to the Minister Count Zurlo; whose learning precludes the possibility of his having confounded the natives with the Albanian colonies). (10, 1829).
Ib., sezione intitolata The Opicans and Ausonians, p. 57. Olsi, as it stands in the Periplus of Scylax (not. 190 ᾽Ολσοὶ. Periplus, 3); is no errour of the transcriber; it is Volsi dropping the Digamma; hence Volsici was derived, and then contracted into Volsci... I have no doubt that the Elisyci or Helisyci, mentioned by Herodotus (VII, 165) among the tribes from which the Carthaginians levied their army to attack Sicily in the time of Gelon, are no other people than the Volsci. (10, 1829).
* Dispersar spagnuolo (Quintana).