Pagina:Baretti - Prefazioni e polemiche.djvu/387

letters in his pocket, went to the two creatures, that were just setting out for Italy (no tender adieus to poor Johnson!) and spoke to them such efficacious words, as forced them to secure the annuity to the simpleton who had g^ven good advice. Both their avarices (is this plural a good plural?) were obHged, in spite of their teeth, to submit to mr. Greenland’s kind and efficacious mediation, lest worse should ensue; and the annuit>’ is now regularly paid at mr. Drummond’s, Charing-cross. And here I make my bow to my courteous reader, and leave him to moralizeupongreatdoctor’s gulHbiHty, when attaching themselves to a certain species of virtuous women, not quite platonically inclined; upon the honest deahng and peerless openheartedness of my famed heroine; upon the liberal and magnanimous husband she has substituted in the room of her first partner; upon the wonderful escape of Mecci from horrid povert>’; and upon whatever else he shall be pleased to meditate, when bent upon meditation. Dixi.