Nota: dopo aver pubblicato, potrebbe essere necessario pulire la cache del proprio browser per vedere i cambiamenti.

  • Firefox / Safari: tieni premuto il tasto delle maiuscole Shift e fai clic su Ricarica, oppure premi Ctrl-F5 o Ctrl-R (⌘-R su Mac)
  • Google Chrome: premi Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R su un Mac)
  • Edge: tieni premuto il tasto Ctrl e fai clic su Aggiorna, oppure premi Ctrl-F5.
//Aggiunge un pulsante generico alla Toolbar
function addToolbarButton(id, href, src, alt, title)
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// da: 
// "Fail gracefully" if skin not supported
switch (skin) {
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// <pre>
// [[User:Lupin/popups.js]]
// importScript('User:Lupin/popups.js');

// PULSANTI ADDIZIONALI per skin Vector :-)

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/*   Pt  */    $( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', {
			'section': 'main',
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				'Pt': {
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					icon: '',
					action: {
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						options: {
							pre: "{{pt||",
							post: "}}"
		} );
/*   inizio versi  */    $( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', {
			'section': 'main',
			'group': 'format',
			'tools': {
				'Inizio versi': {
					label: 'inizio versi',
					type: 'button',
					icon: '',
					action: {
						type: 'encapsulate',
						options: {
							pre: "<!-- inizio versi -->",
							post: "<!-- fine versi -->"
		} );
/*   inizio poesia  */    $( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', {
			'section': 'main',
			'group': 'format',
			'tools': {
				'inizio poesia': {
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					action: {
						type: 'encapsulate',
						options: {
							pre: "<!-- inizio poesia -->",
							post: ""
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	} );

/* "Accoppo" il vecchio codice


// §
if (mwCustomEditButtons) {
 mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = {
     "imageFile": "",
     "speedTip": "§",
     "tagOpen": '{{§||',
     "tagClose": '}}',
     "sampleText": "citazione"};
}; */
// Script di Filippo_V per aggancio di un pulsante a una funzione js qualsiasi
function pulsantini() {
var toolbar = null;
toolbar = document.getElementById("toolbar");
if (toolbar == null) return;
addToolbarButton('tb-ocr', 'javascript:postOCR()', '', '[postOCR]', 'Corregge gli errori comuni di scansione');
addToolbarButton('tb-ocr', 'javascript:apostrofi()','', '[apostrofi]', 'Converte gli apostrofi dattilografici in tipografici');; 
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
             + '' 
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript"></script>');
// <source lang="javascript">

// </source>
*** Regex menu framework
*** by [[m:user:Pathoschild]] <>
***	- adds a sidebar menu of user-defined scripts.
/* menu links */
// In the function below, add more lines like "regexTool('link text','function_name()')" to add
// links to the sidebar menu. The function name is the function defined in rfmscripts() below.
function rmflinks() {
        regexTool('A capo','acapo()');
        regexTool('Doppi a capo','acapo2()');
        regexTool('OCR salute','salute()') 

/* scripts */
// Below, define the functions linked to from rmflinks() above. These functions can use any JavaScript,
// but there is a set of simplified tools documented at
// .
/* sidebar code for use with P/c's Regex code */
function DNBset() {
	var editbox = document.getElementsByName('wpTextbox1')[0];
	editbox.value = editbox.value.replace(/\{\{header\n \| title      \=.+\n \| author     \= \n \| translator \= \n \| section    \= \n \| previous   \= \n \| next       \= \n \| notes      \= \n\}\}\n/, '{{subst:DNBset\n |article= \n |previous= \n |next= \n |volume = \n |contributor = \n |wikipedia = \n |extra_notes= \n |from= \n |to= \n |section= \n}}');
function postOCR() {
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	editbox.value = editbox.value.replace(/'/g, '’')
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        .replace(/e’  /g, 'e’ ')
        .replace(/E’ /g, 'È ')
	.replace(/v’ /g, 'v’')
	.replace(/n’ /g, 'n’')
	.replace(/s’ /g, 's’')
	.replace(/t’ /g, 't’')
	.replace(/m’ /g, 'm’')
	.replace(/l’ /g, 'l’')
        .replace(/ P /g, ' l’')
        .replace(/ Y /g, ' l’')
        .replace(/ V /g, ' l’')
	.replace(/eh’ /g, 'ch’')
	.replace(/ alia /g, ' alla ')
	.replace(/ piu /g, ' più ')
        .replace(/ r /g, ' l’')
        .replace(/é/g, 'è') // nota: variabile
        .replace(/ air /g, ' all’')

	.replace(/ perche /g, ' perchè ')
	.replace(/lP/g, 'll’')
	.replace(/I’/g, 'l’')
	.replace(/1’/g, 'l’')
	.replace(/ :/g, ': ')
        .replace(/([dlznt])’ /g, "$1’")
        .replace(/[(\[] /g, " $1")
        .replace(/ \n/g, '\n')
	.replace(/-\n/g, '')
        .replace(/ ,/g, ", ")
        .replace(/ ;/g, "; ")
        .replace(/ !/g, "! ")
        .replace(/ \?/g, "? ")
        .replace(/ \./g, ". ")
        .replace(/ :/g, ": ")
        .replace(/« /g, "«")
        .replace(/ »/g, "»")
function apostrofi() {
	var editbox = document.getElementsByName('wpTextbox1')[0];
	editbox.value = editbox.value.replace(/'/g, '’')
	.replace(/’’’/g, '\'\'\'')
	.replace(/’’/g, '\'\'')
	.replace(/E’ /g, 'È ')
function acapo() {
	var editbox = document.getElementsByName('wpTextbox1')[0];
	editbox.value = editbox.value.replace(/\n\n/g, '<acapo>')
	.replace(/-\n/g, '')
        .replace(/\n/g, ' ')
	.replace(/<acapo>/g, '\n\n')
	.replace(/E’ /g, 'È ')
function acapo2() {
	var editbox = document.getElementsByName('wpTextbox1')[0];
	editbox.value = editbox.value.replace(/\n\n\n/g, '\n')
        .replace(/\n\n/g, '\n')

function salute(){
	var editbox = document.getElementsByName('wpTextbox1')[0];
	editbox.value = editbox.value.replace(/\nN./g, '\n\nN.')
        .replace(/\nR./g, '\n\nR.')
        .replace(/-\n/g, '')
        .replace(/ piu /g, ' più ')
        .replace(/ to /g, ' lo ')
        .replace(/ it /g, ' il ')
        .replace(/ cioe /g, ' cioè ')
        .replace(/ the /g, ' che ')
