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(function($,mw) {
	if (mw.config.get('wgPageName') == 'Categoria:Da_cancellare_subito')
		return true;
	mw.loader.using("mediawiki.api", function() {
		var api = new mw.Api();
		//function that puts the page titles in a wikitext and parses it
		parseText = function(titles, tlName, parent, temp, i, anchor) {
			j = i;
			textToParse = '';
			while (j < titles.length) {
				if (titles[j].indexOf('/') != -1) {
					basePage = titles[j].substring(0, titles[j].indexOf('/'));
					title = titles[j].substring(titles[j].lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
					textToParse += "\n* ''[[" + titles[j];
					if (anchor) {
						textToParse += '#' + anchor;
					textToParse += '|' + title + "]]'', in {" + '{' + tlName + '|' + basePage + '|' + basePage.replace(/\s*\([0-9A-Z].*\)/, '') + '}}';
				} else {
					textToParse += '\n* {' + '{' + tlName + '|' + titles[j] + '|' + titles[j].replace(/\s*\([0-9A-Z].*\)/, '');
					if (anchor) {
						textToParse += '|' + anchor;
					textToParse += '}}';
			//console.log("Text to parse: " + textToParse);
			console.log('Gadget EspandiCategoria - loading items ' + (i+1) + '-' + j + ' (from \"' + titles[i] + '\" to \"' + titles[j-1] + '\")');
			//parse wikitext into an html fragment{
				action: 'parse', contentmodel: 'wikitext', prop: 'text', disablelimitreport: true, text: textToParse
			}).done(function (data) {
				if (data && data.parse && data.parse.text) {
					//put the html in the temporary container, then replace every list element with the one generated by the parsing
					temp.find('ul li').each(function(index) {
						newLink = $(this).find('a');
						if (newLink.length > 0) {
							link = newLink.attr('title').replace(/"/g, '\\"');
							parent.find('li a[title="' + link + '"]').parent('li').empty().append($(this).html());
		getAnchor = function() {
			catPage = mw.config.get("wgPageName");
			pattern1 = "in_cui_è_citato_il_testo_";
			index1 = catPage.indexOf(pattern1);
			if (index1 > -1) {
				return catPage.substring(index1 + pattern1.length);
			pattern2 = "in_cui_è_citato_";
			index2 = catPage.indexOf(pattern2);
			if (index2 > -1) {
				return catPage.substring(index2 + pattern2.length);
			return undefined;
		//search for titles to be "expanded"
		if (mw.config.get("wgCanonicalNamespace") == "Category") {
			// trova la prima pagina ordinando per titolo
			startPrefix = $($('#mw-pages ul li a').sort(function(a, b) {
				return ($(b).attr('title')) < ($(a).attr('title')) ? 1 : -1;
			//get list of ns0 pages in the category we're in
				action: 'query', 
				format: 'json', 
				list: 'categorymembers', 
				cmnamespace: '0', 
				cmtype: 'page',
				cmlimit: 200, 
				cmtitle: mw.config.get("wgPageName"),
				cmstartsortkeyprefix: startPrefix
			}).done(function (data) {
				if (data.query && data.query.categorymembers) {
					titles = [];
					for (i = 0; i < data.query.categorymembers.length; i++) {
						thisTitle = data.query.categorymembers[i].title;
					console.log('EspandiCategoria - found ' + titles.length + ' ns0 pages');
					if (titles.length > 0) {
						//temporary container for the generated html
						$('#mw-pages').after('<div id="espandiCategoria" style="display:none">');
						parseText(titles, 'TAA', $('#mw-pages'), $('#espandiCategoria'), 0, getAnchor());
		else {
			$('.espandiLista').each(function(index) {
				var titles = [];
				var tlName = $(this).data('tlname');
				var parent = $(this).next('ol, ul');
				parent.find('li a').each(function(index) {
				console.log('EspandiLista - found ' + titles.length + ' pages');
				if (titles.length > 0) {
					//temporary container for the generated html
					$(this).after('<div id="espandiLista' + index + '" style="display:none">');
					parseText(titles, tlName, parent, $('#espandiLista' + index), 0);